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The Top 3 side acting fire door systems in Saudi Arabia

The Top 3 side acting fire door systems in Saudi Arabia

Side acting fire door systems in Saudi Arabia | VBC

Side acting fire door systems are witnessing heavy demand in Saudi Arabia due to stricter fire regulations. Saudi Arabia is known for its strict laws and regulations which are set in place to keep the country running smoothly. These rules come from a desire to protect people and property, while also maintaining peace and safety within the nation’s borders. One of these Saudi Arabian regulations that affect the infrastructural development in the country is fire safety – more importantly, the types of doors that can be used on buildings throughout different areas in the country. 

Fire doors are an important part of any building’s design because they help to prevent the spread of fires from one area to another. But when it comes to deciding which type of door to choose from, there are many factors that can affect the customer’s buying decision. This blog intends to address all these factors and talk about the top 3 side acting fire door systems in Saudi Arabia that would fit well in various types of buildings or properties.

Side Sliding Fire Door Systems

Sliding doors are a great option for both small and large buildings because they can be installed in pairs or sets of three to create wider openings that allow people to escape quickly during an emergency. Also, these doors are a notch up when it comes to security as they come equipped with state-of-the-art anti-theft features. 

Here are some benefits of having these side acting fire door systems in Saudi Arabia:

1. Improves Airflow and Circulation

In a humid country like Saudi, having a commercial or residential property with good air ventilation pays dividends. Sliding fire-rated door systems are great in this aspect as they not only protect your property from fires but also ensure proper airflow. This further helps in conserving energy as it minimizes the need for air conditions.    

 2. Improves Traffic Flow

Unlike swinging doors, sliding fire door systems are exceptional in ensuring smooth traffic flow. These doors have wide egress that has the capability to move more people to and from the property. 

Also, these fire-rated doors are designed in a way that they are easy to use and have low maintenance costs. This makes it a desirable option in places like Saudi Arabia.

Our Recommendation:

Considering the harsh climatic conditions of Saudi Arabia, the Safescape® S7000 Series fire door systems will be the best choice for the region. This is one of the top 3 side acting fire door systems that are ideal for openings where the headroom is limited. Plus, its unique design allows it to navigate around contoured openings and tight curves.

These doors are used in cross-corridor situations across hospitals and schools. Moreover, the S7000 Series bode well with design plans for casinos, museums and retail areas.

Side Coiling Fire Door Systems

Coiling doors are the best option for warehouses and commercial manufacturing units that require better insulation and high-grade security. For a place like Saudi Arabia where construction and manufacturing activities are high, these doors play a pivotal role in ensuring the property is fire-proof and well insulated. 

Here are some benefits of having these side acting fire door systems in Saudi Arabia:

1. Great Noise Reduction Abilities 

Coiling doors have the best noise-reducing capabilities. In a place like Saudi Arabia, where large-scale construction is a common thing, these side acting fire door systems will play a crucial role in dampening or eliminating outdoor noise. Moreover, these doors are perfect for manufacturing warehouses where noise suppression is a must.

2.  Preserves Room Temperature 

Coiling doors come with advanced insulation properties. This makes them ideal for places with harsh climatic conditions and fluctuating temperatures. In places like Saudi Arabia, where the outside temperature easily reaches 42-45 degrees celsius, these side acting fire door systems play a pivotal role in maintaining the room temperature. 

Our Recommendation: 

Given that Saudi Arabia is a place with booming construction and manufacturing activities, the Safescape® S9000 Series fire door system would be an excellent choice for the region. This is one of the top 3 side acting fire door systems that are best-suited for application where emergency egress is a necessity and traditional swinging doors aren’t able to accommodate this requirement

These doors fit well in tight spaces like occupancy separations and elevator lobby separations. The Safescape® S9000 Series fire door system is available in Saudi Arabia on Virtual Bridge’s website.

Side Acting Accordion Fire Door Systems

Accordion doors are optimum for saving floor space and work well in any design plan. In a place like Saudi, where sustainable buildings and aesthetic designs are of utmost priority, these side acting fire door systems are the go-to choice for any customer. 

Here are some benefits of having these side acting fire door systems in Saudi Arabia:

1. Practical Design

Accordion fire-rated door systems were designed with one objective in mind. To offer maximum floor space while preserving natural resources at the same time. Also, the layout of these doors brings out the aesthetic quotient of the room. This feature is very desirable in a country like Saudi Arabia where aesthetics and designs are key parameters in construction. Besides, accordion doors have the lowest installation time than any of its counterparts.

2. Low Maintenance 

Accordion doors are built out of sturdy materials. As a result, they do not incur heavy maintenance expenses. In regards to aluminium doors, a simple powder coating is enough to protect the door from scratches and fading. All that is required to keep these doors healthy is occasional wash-down and periodic oiling. 

Our Recommendation:

Considering how heavily demanded aesthetic yet practical designs are in Saudi Arabia, the Safescape® AC8000 Series fire door systems would be a great choice for modern-day property owners in the region. This is one of the top 3 side acting fire door systems that come in either manual or motor operated designs and are the best alternative for conventional swinging doors that do not offer adequate traffic flow solutions.

These fire-rated door systems are also ideal for public and commercial infrastructure where cross-corridor situations are in play. The perfect places for this are schools and hospitals. 


In the end, each type of side acting fire door system has its own benefits depending on the customer’s building needs. However, one thing is for sure, they all provide excellent protection against fires by keeping them contained during an accident.