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Advantages Of Installing Roller Shutters You’re Unaware Of​

Advantages Of Installing Roller Shutters You’re Unaware Of​

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Installing roller shutters will help you in reducing your carbon footprints. Yes, it’s hard to imagine how a metal door is able to reduce your property’s carbon footprint. But over the past few years, roller shutters have managed to do this feat effortlessly. They are doing it by reducing your heating consumption.

In 2011, insulated shutters cut almost 10% of heating consumption from every house in Paris. La Rochelle to be precise. So, if you’re in the market for a new window with great heat preserving abilities. Then installing shutter doors may be your best choice.

Along with saving a fortune on energy costs, these shutters also protect you from theft and calamities. 

While these are some popular advantages of shutter doors, there are some benefits you may be unaware of. In this blog post, we will discuss six advantages of installing roller shutters that you may not have considered. Keep reading to learn more!

6 Advantages Of Installing Roller Shutters

Before we start with the advantages, we need to take a minute first. We need to understand why the new-age property owners need to install shutter doors. Installing roller shutters is important for two reasons: security and insulation. Now, that you know the importance, let’s take a look at the six main advantages:

1. A Cost-Effective Alternative To Protect Your Home

Break-ins are the topmost concern of any property owner in the world. In the US alone, roughly 2.5 million break-ins occur every year. This is a lot! With the prevalence of so many break-ins, you would need a product that could safeguard your house from thefts. 

The very first advantage of installing roller shutters is that they are a cost-effective way to protect your home. Shutters give your house maximum security against burglaries and break-ins.

Shutter doors are strong and durable. The material used in creating them makes one of the sturdiest ones available in the market today!

2. Offers Protection From Fire

Insulated shutters are not only robust but also fireproof. These shutters provide much better protection against fire than ordinary doors or windows. If a fire starts in your building, these shutters will automatically close and stop the spread of the fire, smoke, and heat. 

This could give you an extra few minutes to escape from the building unharmed. Furthermore, if there is a fire outside your building, the shutter will protect your glass windows from breaking.

3. Better Use Of Space

Traditional doors open outwards and take up a lot of space. Roller shutters on the other hand roll up into the ceiling and do not interfere with the walkway. This gives you more usable space in your home or office.

Besides, installing roller shutters simplify industrial activities like loading and unloading. The reason is vehicles can be parked right up against the doors instead of somewhere far. This ensures efficient loading of goods. This saves time and money.

4. Safeguard Against Natural Elements Like Wind, Rain, and Snow

The fourth advantage is useful for properties that endure extreme weather conditions. Insulated shutter doors are made of fine materials that can withstand tough weather conditions. Thus, installing roller shutters allow you to protect your home from snow, wind, or rain. 

Virtual bridge contracting’s insulated shutters provide a barrier between your room and the harsh climate outside. They do it by offering an excellent insulation layer between the door. Plus, their durable nature allows them to last longer without getting damaged by the elements outside your house!

5. Easy To Install On Any Type Of Window

Not a lot of people know this, but you can install roller shutters on the window as well. These shutters have open designs and are not bound to any specific types of house designs. Today, there are different kinds of insulation options present in the market. So you can go ahead and get the best kind depending on your requirements.

Moreover, these shutters help you in enhancing the aesthetic feature of your property. This pairs well with its energy-conserving abilities. Meaning you save money on energy bills while making your property look good.

6. Reduces Insurance Cost

Installing roller shutters can help you lower your insurance costs. This is because these shutters minimize the risk of making a claim. With insulated shutters in place, you are less likely to witness a break-in or burglary. Plus, your premise is better secured against fire and weather damage. 

An average difference in premium after the first claim is somewhere near 20%. This amount continues to rise after every claim. Virtual bridge contracting’s shutter doors can withstand any physical tampering. This will minimize the chances of break-ins and help you lower your odds of claiming insurance.

Where Can You Find Roller Shutters In Saudi Arabia?

A good thing about Saudi Arabia is that break-ins are not as common here as in other countries. However, tough climatic conditions are an issue that is prevalent across the country. As a result, the need for installing roller shutters that can withstand heavy wind loads and natural wear and tear is imminent. 

Virtual bridge contracting offers the Safespace 500 series that can withstand all the beatings of the Saudi Arabian climate. It does all this while providing great insulation to the people inside. These shutters come with a UL10B fire rating and offer near-absolute protection from wind and wind-borne debris. Check out our product page to know more.